Friday, July 20, 2012

Poem for the Romanovs Death

July 16/17, 1918. Rest in Peace.

A clod of earth is tossed over
The bodies still warm
They laughed so recently.
They’re gone now
Their spirits from this earth fled
At the hands of the brutal captors
Who could not see a loving soul.
Gone, yet dead only to this earth
Nor forgotten, for as I write this
I feel an ache in my heart
For the family who cried out in vain
To the sounds of the pistols
That terrible night.
They lived with forgiveness in their hearts
And I know that now,
They’ve beautifully forgave
The ones who held the guns.

It's not a very good poem, but oh well. In situations like this, it doesn't really matter if it doesn't rhyme or doesn't flow very well. My video tribute. Better than last year's.

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